Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Personal information

During  the process of history taking and Prakriti Analysis , Information shared with us  by clients is strictly use for medical purpose & kept purely confidential. We do not intent fully share any personal information/data with third party for  financial gains.

Collection of  information

NutriAyurCare collects information by fair and legal means, with your information and approval. We also let you know the reason for collecting the information and how it will be used. You are free to decline our request for this information, with the knowledge that we may be incapable to provide you with some of your needed services without it.

Security of information

The security of data of our users is a priority for us. We have used and absorbed all possible and generally supported standards and techniques to ensure the security of personal information. We do not share or provide personal information to third parties. But, it is a given that all potential actions cannot ensure complete security, hence despite the use of best security and assurance measures, complete security including all features cannot be guaranteed.

Your rights and responsibilities

As our client, you have the freedom to be notified about how your information is collected and used. You are allowed to know what information we collect about you, and how it is used. Also, you are allowed to change and renew any personal information about you and to ask this data be removed.

Feel free to contact NutriAyurCare if you have any concerns or inquiries about how we manage your personal information.


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